Your Identity- Never lose for Anyone !!!

We love someone Deeply
feel top on the world
blessed and more blessed

Never ever lose you, your dreams, your profession for anything or anyone.

Chase and re-chase yourself for your personal growth.

Today's Mantra is "Your Identity- Never lose for Anyone" 

In today's world everyone is capable and could earn their own bread.
Parents give equality to both girl or boy as their lovable child. 

We are in 21st century and have face of equalize in this era. Unfortunately some part of world still have differentiate. 
Parents love and educate their child and do best upbringing 
Sooner or later this typical rules and regulation of society .....

You wish or oppose you are definitely a part of sick society where Girl or boy is different and different rule sets. 

 but every individual  have their own Identity .

Never lose  our Identity over anyone.if they can't love you for what you are...
let them go and be free with suffocated surrounding.Just MOVE on....   

If you stop dreaming,
so getup and start dreaming again..

look for new your own dream and go and get it with best of your version.

Improve and Improve only magical for alive.
Stay blessed, stay alive with your own Identity ..



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