Is Love integral for better lives - Yes/ No??

Have you ever thought about it, is Love is essential for a live? Many people, many statements... Need to take on your way.. How much Love you want in your life ? How it impact on your life? What kind of love? What is definition of Love for you ? All of above Is Love integral for better lives - Yes/ No? If Yes, how could we design our life for love in order to spread and get it back ? Someone Said Nicely " Our mental health and personal well being tied up in the quality of our personal relationships." Relationships means Love and Respect we have in our bounding with another peoples. And it is very much important for mental health. Simultaneously , If you are healthy from mental you could do anything in order to achieve successful live. Hence moral of the story , The more closely we are connected to the people we love, the happier we feel and more personal satisfaction we have in our lives. If we sake for...