
Showing posts from December, 2019

Self Growth- Add in you

Hey Friends! I trust you all must have a satisfactory growth with in you :) Self Growth - How it's sound? Must have factor to live a fullest life. Why we all working? just to earn our butter  and bread.. Till some extend , its true...  Butttttttt Working in bit better way , or improving day by day is necessary,  Not because to get promote or grab a better opportunity,  It is for our growth means self - growth . Self growth is not important for to showcase your personality , its for your inner peace and satisfaction. Make you complete in either way,Social or inner... So today's mantra is keep working for Self growth .  Don't take your moral down with effects of multiple circumstances surrounding you .  Keep going on, and take challenge to improve you self on each and every factor which comes to your way . keep going , keep improving , keep ahead your self in term of self growth firstly.   what is happening around in any terms you got

Be Yourself , Love yourself - Add in You

Hey Buddies, You are the best !!! Trust me , you are the only one, no one is like you one could take your place.   I am Neha your new friend, on a drive to make happy and lively people around. Having 11 year+ experience in Recruitment... Explored numerous lives around. Different people, different mind set! buttt  Always success follow those, who always ready to learn more. .. Thus, today's mantra is Be yourself, Love yourself  Don't allow any one to rule on you, either change yourself for anyone at any cost . Trust me all are here to set their own one seriously here for changing your life. Make your soul happy , full of love than only you could spread love. if you change yourself for anyone...       One day surely you will look back , in search of yourself.. for make analysis where you lost , why you  trun in to a different personality  which is really not fit in to your image ... Hence, always work with you ..

Goodlook- Add In You :)

This chill weather and plenty of to do task ... So weekend started and everyone have lots of plan for next two days:) Laundry, Shopping , Planning for relax, pending works, Children priorities ....numerous tasks ..Is it ? No one can steal you from this weekend, even personal responsibilities...  Y ou must stuck or wish to complete these work ASAP, after all you too want relax as it is your weekend... Me either ....  Well dress-up is today's mantra .  I am Neha your new friend, on a drive to make happy and lively people around. Having 11 year+ experience in Recruitment...Explored numerous lives around. Different people, different mind set! buttt  Always success follow those, who always ready to learn more. .. Hmmm... you must be thinking why I asked for well dress-up on weekend, even-though we are hangup in home chores or pending works. My Buddies, Just little efforts Add In you - Dress-up well will see your confidence or will power  boost-up  instantl

Sweetness on your Tongue- Add In You

Hey Howdy, Whats up !! I am Neha,your new friend on a drive to make happy and lively people around.  Having 11 year+ experience in Recruitment...Explored numerous lives around. Different people, different mind set! buttt Always success follow those, who always ready to learn more. Chilled weather...ahh haaaa... So what make our day with full of warmth? Could you guess ???? Hmm you are very right ! Its nothing else just Add little politeness in your talk :) Is in it ?? work as panacea for make environment more pleasurable or  full of warmth...  Hey don't get me wrong , not mean to say be magically sweet with others  all the day with in sec...Just try to Add a sweetness or politeness a bit ...a little change for presenting your same thought with ting extra efforts... If need to scold some than try to say same pitch but with some different humanitarian words...i means don't try to use harsh words... please do it for you.. What you say, will it work ?

Magical Secret - Smile, Add in You

Hey Buddies, Today's my Mantra  is - Tiny smile on your lips :) Surely you will be in haven after this Magical secret.. I am Neha your new friend, on a drive to make happy and lively people around.  Having 11 year+ experience in Recruitment...Explored numerous lives around. In this cold weather, every one is stuck  Don't feel easy buttttt Need to work for their bread and butter .  So why not do work with a little curve on your beautiful lips:) I ensure will make you more friendly and good looking, Although, people around you love to hear your voice .  It reduce you mind stress as well others...thus, what is the loss to take it Add In You   Reached at your work place or telecommuting  Whatever... Greet People with smile, Spread  work with smile, take reporting with smile...... Than See the magic of this tiny smile at your work place. Not to forget...Human is earning better work and relation with good Attitude, and never the less this atti

Little Add in you .. for better lives :)

Love your Life ! All of us around the world, want to lives a happiest life. Is it? Yes of course :) So what we are waiting for ...GO HEAD..AND GIVE A HARD PUSH to your own dream. I am Neha, on a drive to make happy and lively people around. Having 11 year+ experience in Recruitment...Explored numerous lives around. Different people, different mind set! buttt Always success follow those, who always ready to learn more... Hey don't means you should enroll yourself for some advance classes or course, it just little effort towards your daily activities.  In another words, you need to do your same work with a little more efforts or better way with in time. Thus, it results trun a curve on lips and a peace in your mind at last of the day! It matter alot for a human...certainly a human always want better whatever they already in to. Make you comments how you do today's task in a little different way to Add in you... for better lives..